
  1. Mark Stradling

    Latest OTA update issue

    I have my v2 box with 4k UHD output, but since I've upgraded to the latest version, via OTA, I have a maximum resolution of 1080p. There is no longer the option to choose anything higher. Is this intentional or is there something wrong? I specifically upgraded from the v1 to v2 box so that I...
  2. ChrisM

    iMXQpro v2, T8 Mini & T8-S Plus v2 OTA July 2017

    DroidBOX announce OTA firmware updates for the iMXQpro v2, T8 Mini and T8-S Plus v2 models. In Android, this update brings Kodi 17.3 and DBMC 16.7-00, whilst LibreELEC is updated to meaning Kodi 17.3 can now also be found there! Read more about this update, and how to apply it, at...
  3. R

    OTA Servier Argent Check Failed!

    I have an MXQPro, v.1, which I haven't used in about six months. (A little over a year old.) When I try to update the software I get the 'Check Failed!' message from the settings menu and when I use the menu ribbon to update under 'SYSTEM' it opens up a video menu instead of an update dialogue...
  4. D

    OTA download error & no Google Play connection

    New model T8 Mini box, version 5.1.1. First time trying to use OTA updater I get Download Failed: HTTP Error. Tried many times over period of weeks. Also, Google Play no longer connects, I get "No Internet Connection". Everything else connects to the Internet (WiFi). Oh and the QuickSupport...
  5. Fritz-69

    OTA Jarvis update for OpenELEC Boot on T8-S

    I believe that you are working with a Beta version of Jarvis for the OpenELEC Boot section of T8-S. Do you know when it will be available for the OTA update?
  6. Lh_rover

    T8-S Plus Firmware files

    I have emailed you about the recent problem with my box after the OTA update: "Hi, I ran the update and everything looked fine but now I can't get into OpenElec? I clicked the DroidSwitch app and it reboots but then just hangs on the logo. I did a factory reset by going into the recovery by...