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  1. Alexandra Fassett

    DroidBOX Sales to US

    I went to Amazon to purchase a DroidBOX VIP Plus remote and found that they had no DroidBOX products available... WTF. I then went to the DroidBOX store but was unable to complete my purchase, after several attempts I gve up, is there a problem?
  2. Alexandra Fassett

    Adoptive storage on T8S Plus V2

    How dose adoptive storage function on the T8S Plus V2. I have not found any information about this Android 6.0 feature on the forum.
  3. Alexandra Fassett

    winSCP on T8s Plus V1 Android

    I have winSCP working on LibreELEC but would like to be able to use in while booted into Android. Thanks Alexa...
  4. Alexandra Fassett

    LibreELEC 8.0 with Kodi 17 how soon for the T8S Plus V1

    LibreELEC 8.0 with Kodi 17 was relesed yesterday any one know if/when it will be available for the T8S Plus V1?
  5. Alexandra Fassett

    T8-S Plus VIP Remote Air Mouse Adjustment

    How do you adjust the sensitivity of the pointer, the instructions say to Settings -> Language and Input. I can not find any such setting...